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fapesp agilis manualAte pra mim mesmo. Para liberar recursos (eles sao liberados bem rapidamente, de um dia pro outro) voce accessa a pagina de Solicitacao de Liberacao de Verbas para Bolsistas. Ai o preenchimento e trivial e o dinheiro entra na conta cadastrada. “Posso pedir qualquer valor??” Sim! Contanto que esteja dentro do seu limite da reserva tecnica e voce consiga justificar dentro das normas de uso e prestacao de contas. Justificiando as coisas, conforme o Manual de Instrucoes para Uso dos Recursos e Prestacao de Contas de Auxilios e de Reserva Tecnica concedidos pela FAPESP e seus respectivos modelos: Congressos: Justificando gastos pre-congresso: Inscricao Nacional: Solicite o dinheiro Pague com cartao de credito e guarde o extrato, voce vai precisar dele depois para justificar. Simples assim. Parte do manual que rege sobre a comprovacao de gastos com cartao de credito Inscricao Internacional: Igual a internacional, mas com conversao. Pague com cartao de credito e guarde o extrato, voce vai precisar dele depois para justificar. Simples assim. Poster: O poster se enquadra na categoria de material de consumo e voce precisa apenas de uma nota fiscal para justificar depois. Agora voc? precisa fazer duas coisas: Fazer um documento manual com todos os registros fisicos dos gastos (corte e colagem, fundamental I) Declarar os gastos no sistema agilis, nomeado por algum brincalhao Vamos comecar do fim: o agilis Primeiro: se cadastre e entre (facil) facil Tendo logado, ignore a “busca de processos” enorme e clique no link pequeno “Processos de que participo” Escondido porem essencial Ai basta clicar no numero do processo que voce ta disposto a prestar contas. E esperar a bondade do sistema.Eles tem que ser declarados no link da esquerda. Na interface, escolha a parcial desejada. Se e a primeira vez, sera a parcial 1 (bam). Para declarar um recurso liberado, selecione “recursos liberados” recursos liberados E clique la embaixo em prosseguir. Nao clique em finalizar, por favor.

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Botao prosseguir. Sexy sem ser vulgar. Agora clique no botao menos sensual “incluir” Botao incluir. Bonitinho, mas ordinario. E inclua a operacao que foi feita. De novo, o botao incluir (ordinario). Lembrando que recursos nao usados devem ser devolvidos a FAPESP. Operacao feita. Os detalhes eu so lembrei por que olhei o extrato financeiro. Tendo incluido todas as operacoes de interesse, chegou a hora de matar a cobra e mostrar os documentos. Botao “Tela Inicial”, imponente, leva ao lugar esperado. Imponente. Responde por si. Agora selecione a modalidade do gasto feito. As diarias podem ser autodeclaradas (lembra do Anexo 6 ?). Logo, as informacoes associadas a nota fiscal podem, nesse caso, serem puladas. Como data, pode colocar a data que o dinheiro foi solicitado. Prestacao de como o dinheiro foi gasto “Mass que diabos e esse de pagina?” Bem, como falei, sao duas etapas: o sistema agilis, e um documento manual. Essa e a pagina numerada da papelada que incluira, para esse item: O anexo 6 devidamente preenchido Comprovantes de participacao no evento Para diarias, valem documentos que comprovem a realizacao da viagem no periodo citado. No artigo 2.8 do anexo 5835 (exemplos: comprovante de afastamento da Instituicao, declaracao do Chefe do Departamento; comprovante de passagem); Anexo 6 e comprovantes de participacao no evento Beleza, ai voce tem que repetir as etapas acima para cada gasto que voce teve com a reserva tecnica, sempre respeitando o manual do anexo 5835. No fim voce vai ter uma resma para enviar a FAPESP e um agilis bonitinho e organizado. Agora e so fechar sua parcial apertando o famigerado botao “Finalizar” da aba de prestacao de contas. O famigerado botao “Finalizar”. Famigerado. Pronto, entao o agilis vai gerar um documento bonitinho (acho que e balancete o nome. BA- LAN- CE- TE. Esse balancete e um dos 3 documentos que voce precisa enviar para a FAPESP de alguma forma. Varias instituicoes tem remessas de malotes para a FAPESP de forma regular. Uma outra alternativa e entregar em maos no endereco da FAPESP em Sao Paulo. “Pera, entregar em maos. Serio? Entregar o que?” Bem, voce precisa dar um jeito que os 3 modelos fundamentais cheguem ate a FAPESP (o endereco ta na parte de baixo do site). Modelos fundamentais: Formulario de prestacao de contas Balancete: Documentos de despesa: O modelo 1 e so um documento burocratico com dados importantes do seu projeto. Essencial. Mas isso nao e tudo. Ha! Alem da prestacao de contas, voce e eu (a.k.a. nos) como bolsistas precisamos mandar o formulario de “Justificativa de Aplicacao dos Recursos da Reserva Tecnica de Bolsas” junto com nosso relatorio cientifico. O formulario de justificativa I esta presente nesse link aqui. Essa e a carinha do bichano Nesse formulario esta escrito: Isso que esta escrito Mermao, para achar esse formulario foi um parto. Ele tava numa outra aba do excel do link de cima que coloco aqui de novo.Agora preencher, assinar e enviar. Divirta-se! 46 Fapesp Relatorio 46 claps 46 claps Written by Tiago Lubiana Follow Biomedical Scientist and Computational Biologist. Writing code and drinking coffee at Follow Written by Tiago Lubiana Follow Biomedical Scientist and Computational Biologist. On Medium, smart voices andWatch Make Medium yours Follow all the topics you care about, and we’ll deliver the best stories for you to your homepage and inbox. Explore Become a member Get unlimited access to the best stories on Medium — and support writers while you’re at it. Entretanto, neste papel o usuario pode alterar as informacoes que conseguir acessar. Este usuario nao cria auxilio nem remove auxilios existentes, mas pode alterar qualquer outra informacao dos auxilios em que for membro da Equipe. Todos os perfis dos usuarios sao cadastrados pelo GRS. Equipe (usuarios cadastrados com o devido) devem ser cadastrados pelo gestor do projeto. Docentes podem ter perfil de equipe para acompanhar ou consultar ou modificar saldos (conforme perfil de equipe). O Agilie permite aos pesquisadores cadastrados na FAPESP elaborar e submeter Solicitacoes de Alteracao da Concessao Inicial para processos que tramitam em papel (nao pelo Sistema de Apoio a Gestao - SAGe). Esse sistema substitui o antigo formulario eletronico de solicitacao de alteracoes. A Prestacao de Contas On-line permite o preenchimento e apresentacao do Anexo 2 (balancete) e do Anexo 3 (relacao de documentos comprobatorios de de spesa) dos formularios necessarios para a realizacao da prestacao de contas. Apos o termino da entrada dos dados, o processo de ve ser finalizado, as informacoes de vem ser impressas e enviadas juntamente com as notas fiscais para a FAPESP. Des de 23 de marco de 2010, a Prestacao de Contas e Uso de Recursos dos Auxilios a Pesquisa apoiados pela FAPESP e feita pelo Agilis. Caso o pesquisador nao esteja cadastrado, po de ra fazer seu cadastro, escolhendo i de ntificacao e senha (a senha nao sera enviada pela FAPESP). Quando houver alteracao de responsabilida de, o novo pesquisador responsavel tera acesso imediato a prestacao de contas, nao sendo necessario enviar solicitacao a FAPESP.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean. The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. IMPRESSORA, cartucho, papel, envelope, cola, Duvidas Frequentes Emprestimos consignados para idosos aposentados, pensionistas, analfabetos ou semi-analfabetos, moradores das cidades mencionadas abaixo, Comercial Efetuado contato com cliente. Coletar dados. E fazer o estudo de caso para entender as necessidades do cliente. Verificar viabilidade Prestacao de Contas - Convenente.Prestacao de Contas - Convenente.Comercial Efetuado contato com cliente. Coletar dados. E fazer o estudo de caso para entender as necessidades do cliente. Verificar No Transparencia Copa 2014, se entende por execucao financeira contratos Lancamento de Contas a Receber (simples) O Fechamento de Caixa consiste, basicamente, em separar e conferir todos os recebimentos que ha nos caixas. Essa tarefa Titulo da apresentacao Disponibilizamos diversas solucoes de cobrancas Conheca todas as vantagens de possuir o cartao sem complicacao. Clique e confira! Seja um Credenciado! Documentos que possuem validade fiscal perante o fisco E o primeiro e unico software que controla o fluxo E o primeiro e unico software que controla o fluxo em sua oficina. O sistema foi desenvolvido para ser utilizado Agora que a sua cota ja esta contemplada e voce ja recebeu sua CARTA DE CREDITO, voce podera concretizar o seu projeto. Lembrando que a analise do seu Somente apos este preenchimento, sera permitido cadastrar os dependentes. Manual de Utilizacao do Sistema de Administracao de Bolsas de Estagio. Plano de Estagio Na tela principal antes de realizar o login voce tera acesso To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie policy. Ventilatory accommodation of increased metabolic rate at low T a was by an increase in respiratory rate rather than by tidal volume or O 2 extraction. Evaporative water loss at the lower limit of thermoneutrality conformed to that of other marsupials. We found no evidence that gracile mouse opossums differ physiologically from other marsupials, despite their Neotropical distribution, sympatry with placental mammals, and long period of separation from Australian marsupials. Details Figures References Cited by Acknowledgments We thank Denis Briani, Luiz Eduardo Alves, and Leonardo Trevelin for help with trapping. S. U. Neto and V. E. Molina provided access to Clube Nautico Araraquara and logistical support. We would also like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on the manuscript. Permits for scientific expeditions were issued by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq; proc. This article is contribution CEDD28?2008 of the Centre for Ecosystem Diversity and Dynamics, Curtin University of Technology. Priscilla Lora Zangrandi, Andre Faria Mendonca, Ariovaldo Pereira Cruz-Neto, Rudy Boonstra, Emerson M. Vieira The impact of botfly parasitism on the health of the gracile mouse opossum (Chrisitne Cooper, Philip Withers Ecological consequences of temperature regulation: Why might the mountain pygmy possumSean Tomlinson, Philip C. Withers, Shane K. Maloney Comparative thermoregulatory physiology of two dunnarts, Sminthopsis macroura and Sminthopsis ooldea (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae), Australian Journal of Zoology 60, no.1 1 (Jan 2012): 54.Close Figure Viewer Browse All Figures Return to Figure Previous Figure Next Figure Caption. I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use Shareable Link Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more. Copy URL Analyses of a large series of the gracile mouse opossum Gracilinanus agilis, including types and complementary material, recovered specimens assignable to Marmosa agilis peruana Tate, 1931 as a monophyletic group that is diagnosable by unique morphological, morphometric and molecular datasets, meriting its recognition as a full species. Here we provide an emended diagnosis, description and comparisons with congeners for G. peruanus. The former species differs from the latter by the dull reddish dorsal pelage, smaller general size, position of the maxillary fenestrae, presence of accessory cusps in upper canines, and morphology of the alisphenoid tympanic process. Recomende, por favor, esta apresentacao aos seus amigos noutra rede social para carregar. Botoes estao em baixo. Obrigado. Por favor, espere Caso a empresa tenha exclusividade de fornecimento, solicitar uma declaracao ou carta de exclusividades que conste tal situacao. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie policy. We report here 2 new localities records for this country, which represent a significant range extension in the distribution of this marsupial. The new records corroborate the fact that G. emiliae inhabit primary lowland rain forest and it is present in great portion of the Amazonian border. RESUMO. Novos registros do elusivo marsupial Gracilinanus emiliae (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) da Bacia Amazonica Brasileira e uma extensao de distribuicao para a especie. Embora descrito no inicio do seculo XX, Gracilinanus emiliae ainda e um dos taxons menos conhecidos de seu genero, com menos de 20 especimes em colecoes cientificas. No Brasil, apenas 2 especimes sao conhecidos das proximidades de Belem, Para, e dois especimes recentemente relatados do Amapa. Relatamos aqui 2 novos registros em localidades deste pais, o que representa um aumento significativo na distribuicao deste marsupial. Os novos registros corroboram o fato de que G. emiliae habita terras baixas da floresta tropical primaria e esta presente em grande parte da fronteira amazonica. Key words: Amazonia. Brazil. Distribution extension. Rare marsupial. Palavras chave: Amazonia. Brasil. Extensao de distribuicao. Marsupial raro Recibido 7 mayo 2014. Aceptado 8 agosto 2014. Editor asociado: D Flores 326 Mastozoologia Neotropical, 21(2):325-330, Mendoza, 2014 Marsupials are a diversified group of Neotropical mammals that encompasses almost a hundred species (Voss and Jansa, 2009). For several of these species, however, geographic range limits are still poorly known, even for taxa described in the early 20th century. This includes most species of the genus Gracilinanus, which is currently divided into 6 valid taxon: aceramarcae (Tate, 1931), agilis (Burmeister, 1854), dryas (Thomas, 1898), emiliae (Thomas, 1909), marica (Thomas, 1898), and microtarsus (Wagner, 1842). These small opossums are arboreal animals restricted to forested habitats in South America, including Brazil, where 3 species are known to occur: G. agilis in the moist and dry forests of central Brazil, G. microtarsus in the Atlantic Forest, and G. emiliae in lowland Amazon rainforest (Creighton and Gardner, 2008). In Brazil, some of the records of G. emiliae from the Amazon region were derived from the erroneous identification of juvenile specimens of Marmosa lepida and from Hyladelphis kalinowskii (for details see Voss et al., 2001, 2009, respectively). Two cytogenetic studies reported the occurrence of G. emiliae in the Cerrado savanna of Goias state, Brazil (Carvalho et al., 2002; Pereira et al., 2008). However, MV Brandao O et al.However, this individual is lost as there is no G. emilae specimen at the referred collection (Gurgel Filho and Langguth, in press). This specimen might be referent to “Marmosa” agricolai Moojen 1943, a typical taxon from the Caatinga biome and that was considered a junior synonym of G. emiliae by Gardner and Creighton (1989) but now is referred to the recently described genus Cryptonanus (Voss et al., 2005). Given these considerations, the only reliable records of G. emiliae from Brazil are 2 specimens from the vicinity of Belem, in Para state, and 2 recently reported from Amapa (Silva et al., 2013). The present study reports on material from 2 new Brazilian localities, which represent a significant extension of the known distribution of the species in this country. One record is derived from a specimen deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo (MZUSP), and the other is from a live caught specimen. August, 2013. This is an adult individual (third upper premolar fully erupted) and was released, although its description refers clearly to G. emiliae: a very small murine opossum with smooth adult pelage; a narrow midrostral streak of pure orange fur contrasting with a unruffled reddish brown dorsal fur, and a tail distinctly much longer than the head-and-body (Fig. 2). This record from Tocantins represents the southeastern limit of the geographic range of G. emiliae (Fig.??3), an extension of approximately 610 km toward the southeastern limit of Amazonia, near a transitional area between Amazonia and Cerrado. Additionally, the record from Fordlandia further reinforce the apparent presence of G. emiliae at primary lowland rainforest, and its probably occurrence throughout most of the Amazon basin. Compiled from Voss et al. (2009) and Silva et al. (2013); the stars indicate the new localities reported in this study. RANGE EXTENSION FOR Gracilinanus emiliae zon basin, and while none of the new records presented here contradicted this hypothesis, the record from Fordlandia does represent an approximation to the central basin. In addition, the spatial distribution of the known records, which stretch from Peru in the west to French Guiana in the northeast and Tocantins in the southeast, suggests that G. emiliae is widely dispersed throughout the basin. O verall, the distribution pattern of Gracilinanus species indicates that the radiation of the genus was closely related to the distribution of forest formations in South America. Based on our current knowledge of the geographic range of G. emiliae, we believe that this and other Gracilinanus species may prove to occur not only in the central Amazon basin, but also in other poorly investigated forest areas of South America. The results of the present study further reinforce the paucity of our current knowledge on the diversity of Neotropical marsupials, and highlight the need for new inventories, especially in the central and western Amazon basin. Acknowledgments. The authors thank the curator, Mario de Vivo, and staff member, Juliana Gualda-Barros, for access to the specimens of the MZUSP Mammal Collection; to Stephen Francis Ferrari for the careful review of the manuscript; to Sergio Solari and one anonymous reviewer for advices on a previous version of the manuscript and to Ana Paula Carmignotto for advices and unpublished Cryptonanus information. LITERATURE CITED BRITO D, D ASTUA, D LEW, P SORIANO, and L ??MMONS. 2008. Gracilinanus emiliae, in: IUCN 2013 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Version 20132 Downloaded on 02 April 2014. CARVALHO BA, LFB OLIVEIRA, AP NUNES, and MS MATTEVI. 2002. Karyotypes of nineteen marsupial species from Brazil. Journal of Mammology 83:58-70. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 116:275-292. CREIGHTON GK and AL GARDNER. 2008. Genus Gracilinanus Gardner and Creighton, 1989. Pp. 43-50, in: Mammals of South America, Volume 1: Marsupials, Xenarthrans, Shrews and Bats (AL Gardner, ed.). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. FARIA MB, FF NASCIMENTO, JA OLIVEIRA, and CR BONVICINO. 2013. Biogeographic determinants of genetic diversification in the mouse opossum Gracilinanus agilis (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae). Journal of Heredity 104:613-626. GEISE L and D ASTUA. 2009. Distribution extension and sympatric occurrence of Gracilinanus agilis and G. microtarsus (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae), with cytogenetic notes. Biota Neotropica (Online Edicao em Ingles) 9:269-276. GUEDES, PG, SSP DA SILVA, AR CAMARDELLA, MFG DE ABREU, DM BORGES-NOJOSA, JAG DA SILVA, and AA SILVA. 2000. Diversidade de mamiferos do Parque Nacional de Ubajara (Ceara, Brasil). Mastozoologia Neotropical 7:95-100. GURGEL FILHO NM and A LANGGUTH. In press. Pequenos Mamiferos do Ceara (Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera e Rodentia). Revista Nordestina de Biologia. LOSS A, LP COSTA, and YRL LEITE. 2011. Geographic variation, phylogeny and systematic status of Gracilinanus microtarsus (Mammalia: Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae). Zootaxa 2761:1-33. PAT TON JL and LP COSTA. 2003. Molecular phylogeography and species limits in rainforest didelphid marsupials of South America. Pp. 63-81, in: Predators with pouches: The biology of carnivorous marsupials (ME Jones, CR Dickman, and M Archer, eds.). CSIRO Press, Melbourne. PEREIRA NP, K VENTURA, MCS JUNIOR, DM SILVA, Y YONENAGA-YASSUDA, and KCM PELLEGRINO. 2008. Karyotype characterization and nucleolar organizer regions of marsupial species (Didelphidae) from areas of Cerrado and Atlantic Forest in Brazil. Genetics and Molecular Biology 31:887-892. SILVA CR, ACM MARTINS, IJ CASTRO, E BERNARD, EM CARDOSO, D SANTOS LIMA, R GREGORIN, RV ROSSI, AR PERCEQUILLO, and KC CASTRO. 2013. Mammals of Amapa State, Eastern Brazilian Amazonia: A revised taxonomic list with comments on species distributions. Mammalia 77:1-16. VOSS RS and SA JANSA. 2009. Phylogenetic relationships and classification of didelphid marsupials, an extant radiation of New World metatherian mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 322:1-177. VOSS RS, DW FLECK, and SA JANSA. 2009. On the diagnostic characters, ecogeographic distribution, and phylogenetic relationships of Gracilinanus emiliae (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae: Thylamyini). Mastozoologia Neotropical 16:433-443. 330 Mastozoologia Neotropical, 21(2):325-330, Mendoza, 2014 VOSS RS, DP LUNDE, and SA JANSA. 2005. On the contents of Gracilinanus Gardner and Creighton, 1989, with the description of a previously unrecognized clade of small didelphid marsupials. American Museum Novitates 3482:1-34. MV Brandao O et al. VOSS RS, DP LUNDE and NB SIMMONS 2001 The mammals of Paracou, French Guiana: a Neotropical rainforest fauna Part 1 Nonvolant species. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 263:1-236. We are a non-profit group that run this service to share documents. We need your help to maintenance and improve this website. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review,Use the article search box above, or try the advanced search form. Use the Publish and About menus above, orYou can also contact the journal office. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features!Get the latest public health information from CDC. Get the latest research from NIH. Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content:.Many factors are related with sick leaves and depending on the factors the worker could perform a successful return to work. In this sense, the objective of this study is to identify those factors associated with return to work after sick leaves in a group of public workers in Brazil.Logistic regression models were adjusted for two different response variables: return to work with and without restrictions. A digital database was created and completed with data from manual sources.In the model of return to work with restrictions, the age of hiring by the university, the number of sick leaves, those of more than 16 days, and mid-level healthcare positions, both rural work and operational positions, were associated to the response variable.However, more research is needed on the mental disorders that cause sick leaves, their evaluation and the handling of these situations.Os efeitos da reforma administrativa do estado sobre os servidores tecnicos-administrativos da UFSM.Condicoes de trabalho e transtornos mentais comuns em trabalhadores da rede basica de saude de Botucatu (SP).The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. In the latter case, pleaseBoth species present an X1X2Y sex chromosome system. Here, we investigated the evolutionary forces behind the origin and differentiation of these sex chromosomes, with the aim to elucidate whether they had a single or convergent origin. To achieve this, conventional and molecular cytogenetic protocols, involving the mapping of repetitive DNA markers, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), and whole chromosome painting (WCP) were applied. Both species presented similar 2n, karyotype structure and hybridization patterns of repetitive DNA classes. 5S rDNA loci, besides being placed on the autosomal pair 22, resided in the terminal region of the long arms of both X1 chromosomes in females, and on the X1 and Y chromosomes in males. Furthermore, WCP experiments with a probe derived from the Y chromosome of O. fasciatus (OFAS-Y) entirely painted the X1 and X2 chromosomes in females and the X1, X2, and Y chromosomes in males of both species. CGH failed to reveal any sign of sequence differentiation on the Y chromosome in both species, thereby suggesting the shared early stage of neo-Y chromosome differentiation. Altogether, the present findings confirmed the origin of the X1X2Y sex chromosomes via Y-autosome centric fusion and strongly suggested their common origin. This may be because the snippet appears in a figure legend, contains special characters or spans different sections of the article. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( ). This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Associated Data Supplementary Materials ijms-20-03571-s001.pdf (45K) Abstract Oplegnathus fasciatus and O.Both species present an X 1 X 2 Y sex chromosome system. Here, we investigated the evolutionary forces behind the origin and differentiation of these sex chromosomes, with the aim to elucidate whether they had a single or convergent origin. To achieve this, conventional and molecular cytogenetic protocols, involving the mapping of repetitive DNA markers, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), and whole chromosome painting (WCP) were applied. Both species presented similar 2n, karyotype structure and hybridization patterns of repetitive DNA classes. 5S rDNA loci, besides being placed on the autosomal pair 22, resided in the terminal region of the long arms of both X 1 chromosomes in females, and on the X 1 and Y chromosomes in males. Furthermore, WCP experiments with a probe derived from the Y chromosome of O.CGH failed to reveal any sign of sequence differentiation on the Y chromosome in both species, thereby suggesting the shared early stage of neo-Y chromosome differentiation. Altogether, the present findings confirmed the origin of the X 1 X 2 Y sex chromosomes via Y-autosome centric fusion and strongly suggested their common origin. Male karyotypes of O. The mapping of distinct microsatellite DNA motifs through fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) uncovered a specific accumulation of some of them on the large metacentric Y chromosome of O. In the present study, we aimed to scrutinize the evolutionary processes linked to the establishment of a multiple X 1 X 2 Y sex chromosome system in two closely-related fish species as well as to delimit the stage and extent of its differentiation and whether this sex chromosome system originated from the same linkage groups in both cases. To achieve this, we performed an extensive cytogenetic investigation in O. The male-specific Y chromosome corresponded to the largest metacentric element in the karyotype, hence being easily recognizable already after Giemsa staining. Both the X 1 and X 2 chromosomes were acrocentrics of a similar size and their precise identification in the conventionally stained karyotype is therefore difficult to assess with any degree of confidence. Therefore, sex chromosomes were placed in a separate box ( Figure 1 a,b). C-banding revealed a predominant location of constitutive heterochromatin in the centromeric regions of all chromosomes, with conspicuous blocks being located on the short arms of pair No. 1 in both species ( Figure 1 c,d), where they coincide with nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). A remarkable size heteromorphism of this single NOR site was observed in males and females of O.Open in a separate window Figure 1 Karyotypes of males and females of O.Giemsa staining ( a, b ); C-banding ( c, d ), and dual-color fluorescence hybridization (FISH) with 18S (green) and 5S (red) rDNA probes ( e, f ). Insets depict male and female sex chromosomes. While the 18S rDNA probe marked a single site with a very intense signal located in the short arms of chromosome pair No. 1 in both species, the 5S rDNA probe consistently revealed four clusters in both sexes, but with differences in their location. While two 5S rDNA loci occupied the short arms of the smallest pair, No. 22 in both sexes, the two remaining ones were found in the terminal regions of q arms of both X 1 chromosomes in females, and on a single X 1 and Y chromosome in males ( Figure 1 e,f).The chromosomal mapping of the microsatellite motifs (CA) 15 and (GA) 15 performed in O.No unique accumulations were observed on the sex chromosomes ( Figure 2 ). Open in a separate window Figure 2 Mitotic chromosome spreads of O.Chromosomes were counterstained with DAPI (blue). Open in a separate window Figure 3 Metaphase plates of O.Female Genome Differences by CGH The intraspecific genomic hybridization between males and females against the background of the male chromosome complement revealed no exclusive accumulations of male-specific or male-enriched repetitive sequences either on the neo-Y chromosome or in the rest of the karyotype in both species ( Figure 4 ). Open in a separate window Figure 4 Mitotic chromosome spreads of males of O.